Choose from the complete line of ClipsShop brand manual grommet hand presses, grommet attaching machines and pneumatic attaching machines for metal brass grommets and eyelets. For a more detailed description and specifications of manual grommet machines and pneumatic eyelet machines, click on the eyelet grommet attaching machine product name for a detail page on that specific grommet machine.
Please see any of our package deals in one of the categories on the left to get your grommet hand press grommet attacher together with a self-piercing grommet setting die and a bag of brass metal grommets in a choice of colors. The ClipsShop package deals are kitted for great value and so you can buy grommet, setting dies and an attaching machine quickly and easily.
Order from this page or click on a grommet press "product name" for more detail on that product. If you have questions about your specific application please send a material swatch to our sample department for testing.