The ClipsShop CSHAP-1 is an affordable, hand-held grommet attaching machine for easy and portable jobs. Carry these hand grommet pliers anywhere you need to attach grommets. The perfect option for applying grommets on pre-installed substrate. The CHAP-1 is light-weight (1.5 lbs) making it ideal for setting grommets on-the-go with a single hand.

CSHAP-1 Details

  • Very light weight aluminum body. Less than 750 gr. (1.5 lbs.) in weight. Perfect for small on-the-go jobs.
  • Easy to handle. Set grommets with a single hand.
  • Affordable machine. So affordable, why would you want to use a hammer?
  • Large throat depth. The deep throat allows flexibility in the placements of your grommets as much as 8 cm (3 ¼) inches from the edge of your project.
  • Utilizes self piercing grommets. So your hole is cut and set in one operation, saving time and money.
  • Interchangeable dies. #1 & #2 grommet dies and special Clipsled snap dies are available for CSHAP-1 Hand Grommet Pliers. Allows setting two sizes of grommets by simple die-changing process which takes only seconds.
  • Setting force adjustment. Adjust to desired pressure to suit your grommet-setting needs.

CSHAP-1_withNo2_dieCSHAP-1 Specifications
Technical Specifications
Applicable Grommet Sizes:

#1 & #2
Weight: 1.5 lbs
Dimensions (H x W x D):
10 1/2” x 5 1/4” x 1”

Please note: Unlike most traditional grommet machines that allow only one size of grommet application, the CSHAP-1, like all other machines, can set various sizes of grommets by a simple die changing process.

With all of the benefits listed above, you might expect this durable piece of equipment to be expensive. You will be pleased to know that offers the most affordable products to its customers. Please visit our online store to review our prices and purchase our products.